Swing-out Basics for all Levels

Swing-out Basics for all Levels

When: Monday, February 24th, 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
What: Most of you don't know, when I went to Greece this summer for a dance camp, I noticed that every country was dancing the swing out pretty much the same style more or less. Since then, I switched over to that global style.

On top of that, I was not a fan of the way I taught the swing out. I was just teaching the same way most instructors taught it. Since then, I took time to developed new techniques and exercises for teaching the Leads and Follows and at this point I'm pretty happy with the results.

This workshop is for anyone who wants to update their style and/or who struggles with the basics.

Who: Hepcat Studio
Contact: Email: [email protected] Call: 204 955-3489
Cover Price: $5.00
Located at: 188 Princess Street.
Please visit: www.winnipegswing.com for more info!